Multiply Bureau is seeking a part time associate to work on media projects related to impact and innovation, with a focus on content analysis. We're looking for a hard working individual with experience writing and editing, who has excellent communication skills.
The associate will be called on to work on many different types of tasks related to measuring the social impact of media, and designing and building innovative online media products. For more details on specific projects please see the projects section of the website.
The associate must be flexible, have initiative and independence, and be willing to learn and take on new and different tasks. They must also have an excellent eye for detail, and be able to write well and analyze news content without making mistakes.
This is a good opportunity for someone who is willing to work with an individual rather than a larger company. The position requires the associate to work in Petaluma at least one half day a week, but is otherwise remote, working 25-30 hours a week.
Conduct content analysis on news stories, videos, and articles, including assigning topics and analyzing different elements of composition such as whether the piece is written on the ground, includes a solution, is an opinion piece, etc.
Take multiple spreadsheets with different data points and combine them, and also check for inconsistencies and errors with data sets. These data sets will be related to news stories and will include metrics like page views, time on page, etc., as well as content analysis variables
Help with day to day operations of the business
Depending on experience and aptitude, help with analytics reports, graphic design, website creation, video editing, wireframe creation, and product testing
Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Journalism or English
Excellent and flawless written communication skills
Ability to work in Petaluma at least one half day a week
Social media marketing experience a plus
Experience as an editor a plus
Experience with photo editing, video editing, wire-framing, graphic design, or website creation software a big plus
Please email your resume and a cover letter to